(Cover) - EN Movies - Rachel Weisz would love to produce a female version of The Hangover.

The British actress plans to pitch an idea for a comedy movie starring A-list actresses, rather than a male cast.

The 42-year-old is a contender to receive an Academy Award for her role in The Deep Blue Sea at next year's Oscars, and discussed her dream production plans during a discussion with other leading lady contenders.

"Maybe we can do the female version of The Hangover - all of us on a 24-hour bender," Rachel laughed to Amy Adams in The Hollywood Reporter's interview.

"I would really love to produce stuff for other actresses," Amy replied. "Everyone talks about producing stuff for yourself, but I'd actually love to do it for other actresses."

The Hangover sees a group of friends embark on a wild night together and then have to work out what happened the next day. The third film in the series is due to hit screens next year.

Rachel discussed the lengths she has resorted to in order to win previous roles. She mounted a campaign to be cast in The Constant Gardener, a role that won her a Golden Globe Award and best supporting actress Oscar.

"I hounded the director. I called him a lot, and I wrote him a lot of letters. They were quite bold, basically telling him why I thought I was right to play the part," Rachel explained. "That's very un-British. But I dropped my British-ness and at the end of the day [director Fernando Meirelles] said that tenacity was right for the character."

Rachel continued with this persistent attitude when it came to landing her role as the Wicked Witch of the East Evanora in Oz: The Great and Powerful. The confident brunette convinced director Sam Raimi to cast her, even thought he was initially reluctant to let her read for the part.

"It was one meeting, we sat and talked for a couple of hours, and he asked me a lot of interesting questions about my parents and my childhood," Rachel explained. "And the casting director read them with me and Sam kind of operated the camera."