Joseph Gordon-Levitt is working on an experimental project with the National Park Service.

In 2005 the 34-year-old actor launched his unique production company HitRecord, a business which utilises an online collaborative model to produce films and other works of art.

Joseph has teamed up with America’s National Park Service, which has preserved national monuments and parks since its inception in 1916, to memorialise the federal agency’s centennial celebration.

“I think it’s wonderful that for 100 years, these places have been preserved. Without it, they’d probably be apartment complexes and shopping malls,” he told Variety. “Why not celebrate it by making great art'”

HitRecord has produced a number of projects over the years, including books, films, DVDs and other works.

The company’s approach to manifesting works is fairly complex, as Joseph submits ideas online initially, with the Internet community passing ideas around while concepts are constructed into viable art pieces.

“I always find that the best direction I give comes from participation,” Joseph noted. “So if someone writes a story about a national park, I might rewrite it, or I might make a request video — ‘I think this is great, but it needs more of this, or let’s think of alternate endings.’ Or it may be that someone will write a great piece, I’ll record it as a voiceover, and it’ll be the spine of a short film that someone else makes. It can take any number of shapes.”

Joseph’s company HitRecord will be launching the National Park Service’s campaign, which has been aptly dubbed ‘Find Your Park’, next year.