(Cover) - EN Movies - Emma Watson believes she was destined to appear in Noah.

The actress shot to fame playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies.

Since the wizard franchise came to an end, Emma has appeared in a variety of films – most recently The Perks of Being a Wallflower. She has now landed a role in Noah alongside Russell Crowe and Anthony Hopkins.

When Emma auditioned for the role of Ila, Noah’s adopted daughter, her agent called her to see how it went.

“[I said] ‘This part belongs to me.’ She was, like, ‘Well, that’s cocky,’ and I said, ‘No, you don’t understand, I know I’m meant to play this role,’” she told British newspaper The Sunday Times. “The same way I did with Hermione.”

Although the 22-year-old beauty has enjoyed success in Hollywood for more than a decade, Emma still hasn’t adjusted to her star status.

She feels uncomfortable with the interest into her private life and is famously reserved about relationships.

“And no, I don’t have the constitution to be a big movie star. Or a big celebrity,” she explained. “But I do have the constitution to be a good actress. Some of the stuff is really hard for me. But I really like my job when I’m doing my job. It’s just there’s this weird blur that’s happened between being a celebrity and being an actress.”