(Cover) - EN Movies - Kellan Lutz equates the technique he’s applying in Tarzan to “acting in live theatre”.

The actor portrays the lead in Constantin Film’s upcoming family animation.

Scenes in Tarzan are being captured by CG technology, the same science used to shoot 2004’s Polar Express and last year’s The Adventures of Tintin.

Kellan enjoys filming in this manner.

"It’s kind of like acting in live theatre, so you have to be expressive," Kellan told Hollywood.com. "Normal acting, you can be somewhat expressionless, [but] that won’t register. You have to be bigger. You have to take your beats. If I’m wrestling an alligator… 'Grab the knife!' — STAB! Versus like doing something so quick and fluid. [It’s] like having 60 cameras at one time, so when you do a scene, you only do a scene twice because they have every angle.”

Kellan went all out for this role.

His audition was hair-raising.

"When I auditioned, I wore my Conan wig, because I was testing for Conan the Barbarian at the time," Kellan recalled.

"So I had this wig that I made for that so I wore that and then I walked into the audition in my underwear."

Tarzan is slated for release in 2013.