(Cover) - EN Movies - Keira Knightley finds her relationship with Anna Karenina director Joe Wright “fascinating”.
The actress and Joe have worked together before on 2005 film Pride and Prejudice and 2007 romantic drama Atonement.
While filming the latest adaptation of author Leo Tolstoy’s classic Anna Karenina, Keira and Joe’s working relationship greatly matured.
“I suppose the main difference is that when we first started to work with each other, we were coworkers,” Keira explained to Ain’t It Cool.
“Now we're friends, and we know so much of each other's lives. So there's all of a sudden a whole other realm of things to pull from - frames of references that we both know, having known each other over the last eight or nine years. I think what was fascinating on this one was... there had been a point on Atonement where we almost didn't need to speak. We just had this weird thing where I knew exactly what he meant, and he knew exactly what I meant. There wasn't much talking.
“Whereas on this, and I think it's partly to do with Anna's nature as a character because she's a very strange beast, we talked a lot on this. And we didn't always agree. There was a lot of discussion and a lot of headbutting. But ultimately the main thing within our relationship is trust. I love his taste, and I love his imagination, and I guess he sort of likes mine. We always know the frames of references that we're talking about, and there's an implicit trust that we're going to get where we need to go.”