It has had a good run but this season of CSI: NY is the ninth and final season, having been canceled by NBC. It is also the shortest season of CSI: NY, consisting of only 17 episodes.
However, it is still excellent entertainment with well written scripts and great acting. The first episode is dealing with Mac (Gary Sinise) having to deal with being back at work after being shot in the previous series and chasing after an arsonist that has caused the death of a a firefighter that was a close friend. The quality never really waivers in this show and for me New York is my favorite of all the CSI shows. This is mainly due to Gary Sinise and the silver lining is that we may get to see him in more films now. CSI: NY The Ninth Season is released on DVD in the U.K. on May 12th. Enjoy.
On a side note CBS canceled the show, making it the second series in the CSI franchise to end following CSI Miami which was cancelled in 2012.