Psychic medium John Edward will head to Australia in November to help individuals connect with loved ones who have crossed over. Mesmerising audiences around the world, John’s uncanny abilities have brought him into our homes and hearts via his hugely popular television shows, “Crossing Over” and “Cross Country”.

At 15, John discovered his ability whilst attempting to debunk a psychic. Over 30 years on, the popular medium has assisted countless people deal with their grief. John’s down-to-earth approach is refreshing and his unwillingness to compromise his work makes him a standout in his field.

I recently had the pleasure to chat with John Edward about the evolution of his gift and dealing with skeptics. As a long-time fan of “Crossing Over”, I also quizzed John about the possibility of his return to the small screen. Fingers crossed the right opportunity presents itself sooner rather than later.

Film News – How did your gift first manifest? Was there a particular defining moment or was it a gradual process?

John Edward - It was definitely a particular defining moment and that was having a reading with another psychic when I was at the age of 15 where I went to debunk her. She was doing readings at my grandmother’s house and I wanted to prove to my family that she wouldn’t be able to read me. When I went to the session, she basically said that I had this ability and she was there that day to put me on my path and I was going to be a very well known psychic and at the age of 15, I thought she was absolutely crazy. That was my defining moment where I was like this woman is nuts and this is not real, at which point everything she told me happened and I had to pay attention to it. I went to the local public library and read everything I could get my hands on that was on paranormal and the occult, supernatural, parapsychology, metaphysics and that’s how my journey began.

Film News - What was your reaction to your abilities? Where you fearful or elated? How did you respond? As you were only 15, it must have been a huge thing to go through at such a young age.

John Edward - It was and it wasn’t scary, it was more like discovery. When you want to know how something works you don’t become afraid of it because you are kind of pulling it apart to learn how it works. If you’re not in the process of trying to figure out how something works and something happens, that could create a bit of a scare factor, but I didn’t have that. I was like….. How does this tick? How does this work? What can I do? How do I do that? It was a very logical and analytical (approach).

Film News - Have you ever been in a situation where you received a message from a loved one, where the timing was completely inappropriate and how did you deal with it?

John Edward - Like on your honeymoon?

Film News - (laughs) yes, something like that …… anything you wish to share?

John Edward - Well I can say it’s not appropriate…. I did it once when I was working at a psychic fair in New York City and I went downstairs to get lunch and I did a reading for a woman who was on the street waiting to cross the street. It was her birthday and her dad came through and I told her. Half of her looked like she wanted to hug me and the other half looked like she wanted to get away from me. That was probably around 12 o’clock in the afternoon. Later on that evening, at 5.30 when I was completely done, the same woman was standing in the lobby, waiting. I was perplexed and was like…. ‘Hey, do you work here?’ She said ‘no’ and I was like, ‘What are you doing here?’ And she was like, ‘what do you mean what am I doing here? Well you came up and told me on the street that my dead father wanted to wish me a “Happy Birthday”, is there anything else?....Is there anything else?’

I told her ‘no’ and realized she had been waiting for five hours, so I recognized the inappropriateness of my actions. My only excuse would be the immaturity of my ability (John was a teenager at the time) and not understanding the rules as yet. That was an uncomfortable experience where I shouldn’t have done that because you never know where someone is in their journey of grief and you can do more harm than good..... that was an uncomfortable moment for me.

Film News - How has your gift evolved over the years?

John Edward –You very intuitively used the word evolved and that is my mantra right now. For years my whole kind of thing was building bridges to the other side, like teaching people how to build bridges. Then I did “Crossing Over”, and now what I’m doing is called “Evolve”.

Online I do a show called “Evolve” every week …….. I’ve evolved and I want to share my evolution…… We all have the ability to recognize the world of energy that we coexist in....... For me it’s the evolution of going back to the beginning because I started off being just a plain psychic doing readings about what’s happening now in your life and what coming up for you. That evolved in “Crossing Over”, which has now evolved into bringing it all full circle. That’s my evolution.

Film News - There are skeptics out there who question the abilities of mediums. How do you deal with skeptics who are very confronting and in your face?

John Edward - I think I’ve been very, very lucky. I’ve had very few and far between. In thirty years, there have been very few experiences where that happened. I had a talk show host in Australia last time I was down there, which was the only negative experience I’ve ever had where somebody was extremely negative and dripping with sarcasm. Their questions weren’t questions but more statements and at a certain point it becomes not an interview but a platform for that person’s belief. So I always kind of pull back and let them do their thing……. And I know that the listening audience will recognize that, so I just sit back and go well it is what it is. I’ve had that in the states as well on a show once where there was a guest co-host, I had done the show on the network a number of times over the years and she said, ‘I’m so sorry, you are only here for a segment, I wish you were on for the whole hour’. And I thought, oh that so sweet, and I said, ‘I’ll probably be back as they have me on quite a bit’. She was like ‘I would love to have you back on for the whole hour as I would grill you!!’. It was such a weird moment and I looked at her and went,‘Go ahead’. It was a live TV show and so during the course of it, she tried. She actually took me up on it……. I started giving her one-word answers (due to the hosts cynical and demeaning tone), so on live television if I’m not speaking she has to and it became a really bad segment for her. There’s a difference between being skeptical and cynical!

Film News - Any plans for another show, like “Crossing Over”? For those of us like myself, who loved the show, are there any plans to do another?

John Edward - Thank you for saying that. I would love the opportunity to do something like that again, however I don’t know about Australia but here in the states, TV is very different here now. Everything is reality based; reality driven and cartoony, if that makes any sense? I almost feel irrelevant when it comes to television because I don’t know if the TV network people would see what I do as being interesting enough as I would never take what I do and put it into the machine of what they would want to do. So you automatically have an issue right there as I couldn’t do reality shows in the way they are done. So, I don’t know. If the right network came along……. and I could actually do what I do, I would say yes………..i would like to but I don’t see it at the moment.

Film News - What can Australian audiences expect to see when you are out here in November?

John Edward - They can expect to see “Crossing Over” live with the “evolved” teachings mixed in. So it’s, “Crossing Over” with the readings and questions but it’s also empowering people so that they are leaving better than when I found them.

Be sure to check out John Edward live .............


Convention & Exhibition Centre 7pm-9pm /

7.00pm-9.00pm/ Bookings:

6.00pm – 8.00pm /

Sleemam Sports Complex 7.00pm-9.00pm

7.00pm-9.00pm /

7.30pm-9.30pm /