Oliver Hudson has clarified his recent comments about his mum Goldie Hawn.

After opening up about the "trauma" he experienced as a child in a recent episode of his Sibling Revelry podcast with sister Kate Hudson, the 47-year-old has explained his comments.

Speaking on a new episode of the podcast on Monday, Oliver insisted he was not suggesting the Death Becomes Her actress was a bad mother.

"I'm even afraid to talk about it to inflame this even more, because everything is taken so far out of context," Oliver told his sister. "If you listen to the whole thing, it's more about my child feelings in that moment rather than me and how I feel about mum as a parent."

The actor went on to share that he has a deep love for his mum.

"I don't know who I would be without my mother," he said. "I can't even fathom it. The love that I have for her and the respect and the reverence that I have for her is beyond anything. So, it was just completely taken out of context."

Kate quipped that she knew that Oliver's comments would cause a stir.

"You used such clickbait words," the 44-year-old said jokingly. "I can't leave my brother alone for a second!"

During the previous podcast episode, Oliver said he felt "unprotected at times" because Goldie was so busy.

"My mother was the one that I had almost the most trauma about interestingly enough because she was my primary caregiver and I was with her all of the time," the Grown Ups 2 actor said at the time. "I felt unprotected at times. She would be working. She had new boyfriends that I didn't really like. She would be living her life and she was an amazing mother."