Tom Holland developed sleep paralysis after his career began to take off.

Since joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the 25-year-old has enjoyed an enormous amount of success, but believes his skyrocket to fame has caused him to have issues at night.

In a new interview with GQ, Holland detailed his struggle with sleep paralysis, a condition where a person is unable to move in the period between sleep and wakefulness. He described how the disorder caused him to develop a recurring nightmare involving the paparazzi.

"They're all there, and I'm looking for my publicist, like, 'Where is the person who's supposed to be protecting me? What's going on?' And then when I am able to move again, I turn the lights on, and it's over," the Spider-Man: No Way Home star told the publication. "And I think, Oh, my God, I'm in my room, I'm fine. There's no one here. But then I will get up and look for a recording device or something that someone has put in my room."

On top of his struggles with sleep paralysis, the actor revealed that he also experiences sleepwalking and undressing in his sleep.

"Four out of 10 sleeps I wake up completely naked," he said.