Natasha Lyonne found learning Hungarian to be the "most traumatising" part of making the second season of Russian Doll.

The Orange Is the New Black star's character Nadia discovers she has the ability to travel back in time and inhabit other people's bodies in the second season of the Netflix show.

One key sequence is set in Budapest and required Natasha to speak Hungarian as if it's her first language, and in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, she admitted that it was a daunting task.

"I would say the most traumatising was learning Hungarian," she shared. "It was such a crazy undertaking. I blame Alex Buono, who's the other director of this season and really my partner this year. I love him to death, but my God, what a lunatic."

In a separate interview with IndieWire, the American Pie star revealed that trying to learn the language while serving as showrunner and co-director of the season was full-on.

"It was a nightmare," Natasha said. "I was the showrunner, dealing with spreadsheets, Hungarian budgets. Everyday, we're shot-listing, storyboarding, and I didn't speak a lick of Hungarian.

"(I kept saying to Alex) it can't be an impression of Hungarian. I'm going to have to be like Dustin Hoffman in Hungarian! And he was like, 'That is the real s**t! You can do this!'"

Natasha worked with acting coach Terry Knickerbocker and Hungarian actress Éva Magyar to nail the accent and worked on it whenever she could.

"We just kept f**king hammering it and hammering it... We'd be on f**king tech scouts and I'd be working on it with the first AD (assistant director)," she recalled.

Russian Doll season two is streaming on Netflix now.